
Modules and Extentions are featured and integrated into Agitron Connect software, which can be activated based on licensing. The extensions are connectors or drivers that connect to external software or services. Extensions can also depend on the licensing of the connected services or software.

IN THIS ARTICLE: Modules, Extensions, Api Playground


Modules on the Agitron Connect dashboard represent the functional components of the app that are currently accessible under this account. Within each module, users can review available subelements and find detailed descriptions in gray-colored text at the bottom of the module card.

To gain more rights regarding Modules on the Agitron Connect dasboard, contact our Support team.

Virtual Store module card.

The module’s availability is indicated by a green color on the left side of the module card, while a gray indicator is displayed if the module is currently unavailable. To obtain more informations about your licenses and rights connected with this module, click on the one of the cards you wish to get more informations from.


Extentions are the additional functionalities of pre-mentioned modules which enable better user experience and make specified module  easier to use. 

To gain more rights regarding Modules Extention on the Agitron Connect dashboard, contact our Support team.

Api Playground