Routers are integral components within the Agitron Connect networks, establishing connections with multiple devices such as screens and e-papers to facilitate the seamless transmission of information from the cloud. The Agitron Connect Dashboard empowers users with comprehensive insights into router status and provides the capability to effortlessly add new routers or modify the properties of registered ones.
All the registered routers are collected on the entering page of Routers sections. Each router is represented with unique router card which cointains following informations:
A: Router card - The card shows summary information about the router and itself configuration. By clicking on the ’Open’ button you can edit router properties or view detailed information.
B: Router name - Created and edited by the user.
C: Router type - Specific model or series of device. Different models within a series can vary in terms of performance, features, and target applications. The system recognizes the router type on its own, so this field is not editable.
D: UUID - A UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) or serial number is router unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to that specific router. This field is recognised by the system as well and is not editable.
E: Location - Assigned location associated with the device.
F: Firmware - specilized type of software that is embedded into the hardware of the router. This field is recognised by the system as well and is not editable.
Adding a router is similar to adding other components within the Agitron connect system. Click button ’Add New’ and continue by filling in the basic information about the router: Location and Router name. To bind Agitrn Connect cloud with the router, click the butoon ’Save.’ Here you will receive the device token - Input the alphanumeric code into the router’s configuration settings, then click the ’Save’ button once again.
The system will start to load new settings. It can takes up to 3 minutes to eastablish a connection. If, after this period, the router and the dashboard fail to connect, please recheck the router settings or repeat the process of adding a router.
Upon successful connection between the router and the server, a green signal sign will prominently display at the top of the page under “Connection” along with the caption “OK.” The remaining details in the highlighted box at the top of the page will be filled in automatically.
Additional information can be seen in the edit section - press the button ’Open’ on the created router from the list of routers. Here you can check following informations:
A: Mac - MAC (Media Access Control) addresses are unique identifiers assigned to network interfaces, and they may be configured or filtered for network security and control purposes. The system recognizes MAC address on its own, so this field is not editable.
B: IP Adress - The IP address of a router is commonly found at addresses like,, or similar, and can be located in your device’s network settings or on the router label.
C: Connection - Shows the connection status of the router:
Connected – The device communicates the current status and operates within the expected parameters
Offline – The device is either not sending a status, unresponsive, switched off, or faulty.
D: Memory used - Current memory usage, yellow area starts at 75%, red area starts at 90%, red area means the system will slow down due to load. If the situation does not stabilize within a few hours contact support.
E: CPU Load - Current load, yellow area starts at 75%, red area at 90%, red area means the system will slow down due to load. If the situation does not stabilise within a few hours contact support.
F: CPU Temp - Current temperature, yellow area starts at 70°C, red area starts at 80°C, red area means the system will slow down due to overheating. If the situation does not stabilise within a few hours check the fan operation or lower the room temperature (see router documentation).
Below, you’ll find the option to adjust WAN Network settings. You can connect your device via dynamic DHCP servers or a manually configured static IP address, which remains constant (IP address retains the same IP configuration consistently).
If you opt for DHCP, you only need to input the router’s IP address. Alternatively, if you select a Static IP for a stable and unchanging identifier on the network, you’ll also need to enter the Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Primary DNS server, and Secondary DNS server.
The ShelfBar Access Point, whose configuration is located just below Network WAN settings, establishes a hidden and secure internal Wi-Fi network for all ShelfBar devices in range. There are selectable modes and channels available to prevent interference with other devices.