
The supplier section provides details about the suppliers associated with your inventory management system.

IN THIS ARTICLE: Supplier List, Add/Edit Supplier

Supplier List

In the supplier list, users can view all registered stock providers. Each supplier card is equipped with the company name, supplier ID, and the address.

For faster and more efficient searching, utilize the country filter located above the list of registered suppliers.

List of registered suppliers.

To edit information about a supplier, click on one of the supplier cards and update the company name, supplier ID, email, and address details as needed. Supplier can be removed from the database with a click on the red button ’Delete’ on the top of the page.

Add Supplier

A new supplier can be added by clicking the 'Add New' button at the top of the page. Here, you will need to input information such as the company name, supplier ID, email, and address details. All of this data can later be edited in the supplier editor.

Add new supplier process.