
Navigate through the Product tab effortlessly to discover any product in the system. You have two convenient options: use the location filter for targeted searches, or opt for a direct search that scans through all product details. 

This search covers the parent level items (data explanation fields) as well as the child level items (item IDs). 

To expedite the searching process, you can also employ the scan function, which supports scanning both 1D (linear) and 2D codes. The code scanner operates using the ‘internal ID,’ containing stock/child level information.

NOTE: For assistance, add the specific fields that are used in the search.

On the list, you will see grouped parent products along with child/stock level products. Similar to the dashboard screen, you can display products based on chosen locations. To view all products in the system, leave the preset option “All locations” checked.

Products in the stock are equipped with special icons and colored signal symbols. Icons indicate the status of an order and are colored according to the signal color representing the alarm status.

Other colored signal elements, positioned on the left side of the product, display the status of an alarm. They are colored in yellow, red, and green, signifying the degree of alarm progression. A green-colored symbol signifies that the product parameters are within the expected range, and therefore, the alarm is not activated. Yellow indicates that a certain value (quantity or expiration date) is close to the threshold, and action will be required. Red signifies that the alarm is activated, and urgent action is needed to restore the product to normal conditions.

On the detailed product stock screen, you can view all the data for the specific stock level product. The data is segmented into cards based on the data type. The cards are dynamic and appear only when data is provided for the specific stock product. There are two types of dynamic cards:

  • ‘Active Orders’ is displayed when there are orders in the system for this stock product.
  • ‘IoT Card’ is active when a device is paired with this stock product.

Besides obtaining information about a specific stock item, there are two other functionalities on this screen:

  • The ‘Instant Order’ function allows you to order a specific quantity of the product directly from the app. Instant order can be accessed by clicking on the quantity card.
  • The ‘Pick Place by Light’ functionality activates with a click on the ‘Identify by Light’ button. This action triggers a light in the physical space. The color of the light will appear on the button upon activation therefore facilitating users in locating the desired device in warehouses or other large areas. Users can customize the color, pattern, and duration within the user settings (refer to section 7.0 Settings for more information).